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Access Livelihoods' Work in providing consulting services for livelihoods

We strongly believe significant transformation in livelihoods takes long-term systemic engagement that addresses different elements of the livelihood ecosystem in an integrated manner. However, the journey of change often begins with a single step. Therefore, we offer our services at two levels:

Community Program Services
ALC India's Community Services involve the design and delivery of an integrated package of services that focus on individual communities such as Farmers, Weavers, Livestock Holders, Forest Produce Gatherers (mostly Tribals) and Vulnerable Communities. Here, the service models are designed around the livelihoods needs of the community, enabling them to take up significant activities for enterprise creation (in the form of producer companies and other collectives). ALC India has partnered different government agencies like SFAC, NABARD and SERP to promote a total of 14 producer companies in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Telangana.

Partner Program Services
ALC India's Partner Services focuses on needs that people's enterprises, government agencies, NGOs, corporates and foundations, have in specific domains such as Livelihoods Mapping, Business Design, HR, Value Chain Analysis and Skill Development. Here, the services are offered to meet the specific needs of the partner organisation.

Read more about our Community Program Services and Partner Program Services below.

Community Services

Community Program Services

Implementing our Beehive model, we currently work with Small and Marginal Farmers, Weavers and Forest Produce Gatherers supporting them to realize the benefits of an integrated model of transformation.

Farmers' Enterprise Program

In partnership with SFAC, ALC India is in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra to promote Producer Companies of Small and Marginal Farmers. more...

Livestock Enterprise Program

In partnership with Tata Power, an integrated dairy project has been initiated in Maval, Maharashtra. The project aims to establish a dairy plant with a capacity of 10,000 liters a day, run and managed by the women dairy farmers. more...

Artisan Enterprise Program

In partnership with SERP, Government of Andhra Pradesh, ALC India is promoting a Producer Company of women weavers in Mandapeta of East Godavari district. more...

Tribal Enterprise Program

In partnership with NABARD, ALC India is working with tribals in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, supporting them to establish a Producer Company. The Tribal Enterprise Program is managed by Access Tribal Livelihoods Services (ATLS). more...

Partner Services

Partner Program Services

ALC India delivers a wide range of services across domains (including Business Design, Raising and Managing Finances, Programme and Project Management, Institution Building, HR, Communication) to producer enterprises, government agencies or departments, NGOs, donors or funding agencies, private sector, CSR divisions and academic institutions.

Evolving Enterprise Design

Any organization or enterprise considering a new economic activity is, in essence, designing its business. With the right mix of imagination and rigour, it is possible to address various aspects of business design – feasibility, viability, business model, strategy formulation, plan and project. ALC India helps define requirements sharply, creates effective business design and delivers the blueprint. more...

Organising Enterprises

Producers can participate in markets and realize better returns if they build their own institutions effectively. ALC India believes producer groups understand their needs, can dream big and join together if the benefits are worthwhile. To support this process, ALC India offers a gamut of services – from mobilization of the members to the systems of governance. more...

Navigating Markets

Some of the biggest challenges that the marginalized face, pertain to markets. The greater share of value goes to the middle men. ALC India partners organizations to address market-related challenges such as understanding markets (research and surveys), marketing capabilities (for strategy, planning and execution) and creating market linkages. more...

Sustaining the Design

While conceiving and implementing projects in the livelihoods domain is not rocket science, it is still complex and challenging. Many well-designed initiatives falter on the ground. Operationalizing and sustaining the design in an effective manner calls for a combination of adherence to process, development of systems, real time quality management, and rigorous monitoring and appraisal. more...

Raising Resources

Most organizations working on livelihoods, find that raising finance successfully and managing it effectively is a critical challenge. ALC India partners organizations to identify solutions that help assess financial needs, study viability, craft financing strategies, prepare funding proposals, audit finances, establish financial management systems and build capabilities in finance. more...

Nurturing Abilities

Planning personnel, recruiting staff, building capacities, developing skills, inspiring people, encouraging ‘intrapreneurs’, grooming leaders…the HR function presents many challenges that organizations must respond to successfully, to achieve their goals of performance and social impact. Responding to the key challenges that organizations face in this functional area, ALC India offers a portfolio of services that lead to the right answers. more...

Connecting to Stakeholders

Whether they recognize it or not, organizations are constantly in connection with their stakeholders. How organizations shape this connection matters – for their performance and sustenance.

ALC India can deliver big and small pieces in the mix of activities that help organizations connect to stakeholders. more...

Shaping the Environment

Ultimately, as organizations pursue the goal of transforming livelihoods, they come face to face with issues and questions that take on a new dimension – the regulatory and operational environment. The most successful people’s organizations are those that recognize this fact and engage with the environment to make it favourable. This puzzle has many pieces. ALC India can offer key services corresponding to each of these pieces. more...

Protecting against Perils

In a world of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), organisations face many challenges and constraints that translate into diverse risks. ALC India understands macro and micro contexts, and strategic and operational challenges. Drawing on its competencies and experience, ALC India delivers risk management solutions that avoid risk, mitigate risk, identify alternatives and recommend risk protection solutions. more...

Building Structures

Infrastructure, at the producer collective and individual level, can make a difference to livelihoods. Lack of right infrastructure (for storage, for instance) affects livelihoods adversely. ALC India can offer services in infrastructure needs assessment, infrastructure planning, infrastructure financing and vendor identification. This ensures that producers' value chain interventions become more significant. more...

Creating Technology

While technology has been a game changing force, the marginalized and the organizations working with them have not fully leveraged the capabilities of technology. ALC India can facilitate stakeholders in the livelihoods sector to understand the disruptive force better, see new possibilities and realize them. Services include IT consulting and application development. more...