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Access Livelihoods' Work in providing consulting services for livelihoods

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Small and Marginal Farmers


Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka


Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium


ALC India, with support from SFAC, is facilitating the formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) in 3 states of India. The FPO is seen as an institution that will ultimately increase returns for farmers by ensuring that they organize themselves.


The program aims to reach 23,166 farmers in a span of two years across 3 states of India. The program will promote producer companies/cooperatives of farmers producing Pulses or Vegetables. While the initial duration of the project is 2 years, ALC India plans to work with the farmers over a period of 8-10 years. ALC India provides handholding support to FPCs in building their capacity and upgrading their skills. In addition, the farmers also receive guidance in managing the FPCs smoothly. Apart from this, technical training and assistance are also provided. The farmers are also linked with the input suppliers as well as the market.

Proposed Outcomes

The program aims to create 3 FPCs. The FPCs will help farmers in following ways:
• Collective purchase of inputs
• Collective marketing of produce
• Processing
• Increasing productivity through better inputs
• Increasing knowledge of farmers
• Ensuring quality


Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka


Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium


ALC India, with support from SFAC, is facilitating the formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) in 3 states of India. The FPO is seen as an institution that will ultimately increase returns for farmers by ensuring that they organize themselves.


The program aims to reach 23,166 farmers in a span of two years across 3 states of India. The program will promote producer companies/cooperatives of farmers producing Pulses or Vegetables. While the initial duration of the project is 2 years, ALC India plans to work with the farmers over a period of 8-10 years. ALC India provides handholding support to FPCs in building their capacity and upgrading their skills. In addition, the farmers also receive guidance in managing the FPCs smoothly. Apart from this, technical training and assistance are also provided. The farmers are also linked with the input suppliers as well as the market.

Proposed Outcomes

The program aims to create 3 FPCs. The FPCs will help farmers in following ways:
• Collective purchase of inputs
• Collective marketing of produce
• Processing
• Increasing productivity through better inputs
• Increasing knowledge of farmers
• Ensuring quality


How can you be a part?

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If you are a financing organization, be it Government, Private or Individual, you can help the seed of this idea grow into a tree and a forest. Invest in the form of grants or low-interest loans and see the idea sustain and scale. Contact us at: reimaginefinance@alcindia.org

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If you are an organisation working in the area of improving livelihoods of the poor, you can learn and use our models and platforms to create greater impact.
Contact us at: reimagineimpact@alcindia.org

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If you are a professional wanting to use your skills to change the world, you can help us in building this livelihood transformation ecosystem.
Contact us at: reimaginework@alcindia.org